PRK-1U World Meeting

World Meeting

29 September 2024

4 events between 3.30pm and 10pm (Paris time)



Grigori Grabovoï unveils the PRK-1U device to the world.

Based on a combination of his own discoveries and major advances in the scientific community on consciousness, PRK-1U is the first device capable of capturing the bio-signals emitted by human thought, amplifying them and playing them back.

This interaction between these biosignals and PRK-1U allows :

Just a thought.

This biotechnological revolution opens up new prospects for personal development and the mastery of consciousness.

8 years old
of Practice

The PRK-1U became a key component of the Educational Programme based on the teachings of Grigori Grabovoï.

Through its application, the system enables thousands of people :

And with proven effectiveness.



Grigori Grabovoï presents the PRK-1UM.

A new-generation device that incorporates artificial intelligence functions to operate more autonomously.

The PRK-1UM device enables concentrations to be extended in time and space, offering exceptional amplification.

An SD card allows digital sequences to be programmed, supporting the work. Whatever our reality management objectives, this new device gives us the opportunity to achieve them.

And on a special day, Patrice Vernay invites you to experience the power of the PRK-1UM...

This biotechnological revolution opens up new prospects for personal development and the mastery of consciousness.

Special Sessions


29 September 2024

According to the session from 3.30pm (Paris time)

With Patrice Vernay

With Olga Toloshnaya

With Federica Gervasi

With Monica Torres

With Patricia Morkus

One-off event - 100% online
Special price of €50 for the PRK-1U experimental session


During this 4-part event, our speakers will give you the opportunity to understand PRK-1U technology, and then to fully experience PRK-1U & PRK-1UM through two hands-on sessions.



The Science of PRK-1U

from 3.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Often misunderstood, sometimes questioned, PRK-1U technology is nonetheless based on sound - but complex - scientific principles that combine :

Its main objective is to amplify human mental capacities.

Federica Gervasi, Monica Torres & Patricia Morkus will explain these principles so that you can easily understand how this revolutionary device works. - either individually or as part of a 23 PRK-1U ecosystem.

You will learn what the pioneers of research into human thought and consciousness have discovered in recent decades.

And you'll understand why their cutting-edge discoveries may seem unbelievable to most orthodox or conformist scientists because of their avant-garde nature...

And yet many of these discoveries are the subject of consensus, and some already have practical applications.


Share session

& Questions

from 3.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Free conference: Spotlight on PRK-1U.

Would you like to understand the PRK-1U better?

This interactive conference will provide an opportunity to exchange results and take part in a question-and-answer session.

Let's talk about it openly together!

An FAQ session

Let's engage in dialogue to enrich our understanding of PRK-1U in order to :

  • Clarify the information available on the PRK-1U.
  • Answering your questions and concerns.
  • Highlight the results observed by users.

Share your insights and results so that everyone can benefit from your experiences. Together, let's shed some light on PRK-1U educational technology!


Experimentation session


from 5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.

As well as understanding the technology and its scientific basis, the best way to ensure the effectiveness of the PRK-1U device is to test it...

More than that, to feel it!

On this occasion, you will be individually set up on a PRK-1U for remote connection.

For 2 hours, our teachers will help you discover the technology by showing you the different ways you can practise with the PRK-1U to develop your concentration and awareness.

They will also share with you digital sequences designed to help you control reality and achieve your goals.

You'll be able to see for yourself just how much the PRK-1U can accelerate your development.

At the end of the session, you will be invited to share your feelings for 15 minutes.


Experimentation session


from 8pm to 10pm
IMPORTANT: This specific PRK-1UM experimentation session is the first ever in Italian and Spanish!

ONLY for owners of a PRK-1U physical device or a PRK-1U remote connection.

If you already practise with the PRK-1U, you'll be familiar with its benefits and effectiveness.

Now it's up to you to try out the PRK-1UM and compare the difference between the two devices. and above all, their complementarity.

More than 310 people have tested it with us so far.

If you want to make up your own mind about this technological revolution, its tenfold power and its new functionalities, our teachers will accompany you during this 2-hour session.

On this occasion, you will be set up with PRK-1UM technology.

And at the end of the session, you'll have the opportunity to express yourself during a 15-minute sharing session.

A Tool for our


Exploiting the amplification of the biosignal of thought through the PRK-1U can be extremely powerful and liberating.

Your interaction with PRK-1U & PRK-1UM can help you to :

But this acceleration of your learning and awareness processes will not happen instantly, or without work...

Because the PRK-1U is a tool - not a magic wand!

And as with any tool, harnessing its full power can take time. For some - those who know how to open their mind, their heart and their soul - it can happen very quickly. For others, it may take longer - because there are many obsolete patterns to transform.

But to find out, you have to practise.

So come and experience how your consciousness can develop and the positive impact that this evolution can have on your reality.




from 10pm to 10.30pm

The PRk-1U World Meeting will come to a close with all the countries involved and all the speakers joining together for a collective focus.

We invite you to join us and experience, in the power of a group, the phenomenal energy that can be unleashed thanks to this PRK-1U technology ata 30-minute session on the following topics :

  1. Identifying limitations
  2. Liberation and openness to new possibilities
  3. Acceleration of the materialisation process

Take part in any of the PRK-1U World Meeting events and you will receive an e-mail to join us and share this special moment TOGETHER.


We look forward to seeing you on Sunday 29 September
4 events between 3.30pm and 10pm (Paris time)
Conference on the Science of PRK-1U
PRK-1U experimental session
PRK-1UM experimental session