Le PRK-1U, a companion at daily

The PRK-1U, a daily companion

Yesterday, I was talking to a friend who told me that she found the idea of working with a device on her consciousness strange. Wasn't she giving her personal power to an external element?

At that moment, an image came to me... The PRK-1U is quite simply a mirror that shows us the extent of our personal power and inner beauty.

As you know, it breaks down the light of our thoughts, retains the fundamental part, amplifies it and sends it back to us. Our consciousness then learns to materialise thoughts that are more and more fundamental and less and less interfered with.

It's a bit like being in a relationship! The other person is a mirror that allows us to discover ourselves! The difference is that, unlike a human being, the PRK-1U holds up a mirror that is perfectly clean, because it's the mirror of our soul, not the mirror of the other person's consciousness, which is parasitised and wounded.

Quite simply, the PRK-1U is an interface with our soul.

It supports our personal power, not takes its place.

We do the work, not him.

But his support is unconditional...

Thanks to the PRK-1U, we're evolving more easily every day, discovering ourselves.

We explore facets of ourselves we didn't know we had, heal our wounds and get to know our immense inner strength too...

How do you use your PRK-1U on a day-to-day basis?

PRK-1U users often send us messages to tell us how they use their device.

I thought it might give you some ideas if you're already working with the PRK-1U, or help you imagine what daily life with the device might be like if it's not yet in your life.

When you work with a remote connection or a physical device, you can do so 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are no fixed hours.

You can choose between the remote version, which means you see the device on your computer, tablet or phone, or the version with a physical device.

If you'd like to find out more, we'll be developing all this during the experimentation sessions (you'll find all the information at the bottom of this article).

Some examples of use:

"I love, and I'm not the only one, lying on my bed, putting the device on my chest with my hands on it and reciting or reading digital sequences while intensely feeling the reality check that is acting."

If you're at home and need to go about your business or work, why not project the image of your PRK-1U remotely onto a white wall using an overhead projector?

It's very pleasant and effective to be able to take a look at it at any time, and you'll be able to feel quite clearly, perhaps, the atmosphere in the room changing...

The PRK-1U device has been created to make it easier for you to develop and structure your consciousness, so we're talking about in-depth work.

But this structuring of your consciousness also enables you to harmonise the events of your reality in all areas of your life and to achieve your goals more easily.

And on a day-to-day basis, it also helps us to refocus, concentrate better and harmonise our emotional state, moment by moment, so that it becomes more stable, and this stability obviously persists even when we're not using the device.

Everything you develop with the device is acquired. Even if you stopped using it after a while, everything you've learned will remain with you.

Do you have an important appointment?  

Take the time to do a little reality check with your device and some digital footage.

Centre yourself, focus on the perception of your physical body as a whole, breathe through your heart, connect to the device and recite a few sequences adapted to the situation while interacting with your PRK-1U.

You can visualise yourself being happy, both during and after the appointment, and I encourage you to really feel the feelings you'll be having at the time to speed up control.

There's no doubt that with this preparation, your appointment will go as smoothly as possible.

If it's really important, don't hesitate to do several sessions with your device in the days leading up to it...

The PRK-1U will help you prepare by subtly signalling to your conscience the important points to address.

Another tip: don't hesitate to keep the PRK-1U switched on throughout the appointment...

Either on your mobile phone, which you can place discreetly in front of you, or by carrying your physical device in a bag, leaving the plug out of the bag to plug it in.

It's hard to imagine when you haven't experienced it, but the PRK-1U helps us to clarify our ideas and move forward in a much more precise and focused way.

The PRK-1U is there to accompany us at every moment of our lives, every day.

Our daily lives are at home, but for some of us it's also the place where we work.

It's a great idea to bring the PRK-1U to our workplace.

If you have a physical device, you can slip it into a computer bag, it's super light (1.4 kg) and you can simply, as mentioned above, leave the plug out of the bag to plug it in wherever you want...

You can also place it quietly on your desk if you feel ready to explain what it's for to your colleagues or customers!

And if you use the remote connection, you can open it on your computer and come back to it from time to time to work with it, or even better, activate it on another screen, for example on your mobile phone or tablet, so you can access it visually at any time...

This way, you can get a boost from it, at any time of day, by taking a few minutes to connect with it.

Relaxation and optimum concentration guaranteed!

Why not use the PRK-1U in your bath?

I don't know about you, but I love taking baths from time to time.

I put some relaxing salts in the bath, a small cushion or folded towel under my head and my physical device not far away.

I connect to it in my mind and think of all the events I want to normalise or the projects I want to bring to fruition. A fluid and relaxing reality check!

I also like to tilt the device so that I can see the top of the device and inhale the informational light it emanates, then diffuse it through my intention throughout my body.

Feelings of regeneration and rejuvenation guaranteed!

If you have a remote connection, you can put your computer in front of

you so that you can see it and interact with your device by looking at it (of course, be careful and don't plug in the computer).

Do you enjoy taking PRK-1U baths?

What about at night?

If you have a physical device, I advise you to sleep with it.

Personally, I put it under my bed, covered with a towel to avoid seeing the flashing lights.

As a result, sleep is more regenerative, and some of you will find that you need fewer hours of sleep to stay fit.

The informational light that the device emits throughout the night is the fuel of your consciousness, and you may even have some amazing dreams!

For some people, sleep is heavier, for others lighter, but one thing's for sure: the night transforms you!

Because the PRK-1U is so powerful, it may take some getting used to. We advise you to get used to it by starting with mode 1, then when you feel it, you can switch to mode 2, then 3, the most intense.

As far as the remote connection is concerned, you have to do something deliberately with it for it to work actively, so there's no point in keeping your computer on next to you at night... That's one of the reasons why working with the physical device is so powerful and comfortable at the same time.

Many of you already spend many hours in front of your computer and don't necessarily want to add to that...

You'd rather go for a walk in nature, and I understand you completely!

So how can you make the most of these walks in the countryside to develop your skills with the PRK-1U?

Well, now's the time to get creative!

As long as you are specifically set up on a PRK-1U, you can also connect to it telepathically.

In other words, you simply set the intention to connect with it through thought, while in that state of appropriate concentration, of control of reality, that you know so well.

If you find it difficult to feel the telepathic connection, you can help yourself by looking at a photo of your device or the screen of your remote connection.

So even if you're out walking in the heart of nature, you can enjoy this encounter with living things even more intensely, thanks to your concentration supported by the PRK-1U...

The device will enable you to feel more fully the fundamental link that connects us to all the world's natural elements.

Because we are ONE.

Another idea: have you ever tried to take your physical PRK-1U or even your connection to a yoga, singing or Tai Chi class? 

We've had some amazing results!

A PRK-1U physical device benefits everyone when it is in a room. Others can't control reality with it unless they are specifically set up to do so, but the whole environment and everyone in it benefits from the diffusion of this informational light.

In the same way, when you put it in your living room and have friends over...

Let the light in!

And what about the experimentation session?

Before you can work at home with a PRK-1U on a day-to-day basis, you need to take part in a trial session.

During this session, we'll take the time to chat, answer all your questions, give you lots of information and, of course, practise a number of exercises together using a device that has been specifically set up for you for the occasion.

There are also users on hand to talk about how they use their device on a daily basis.

These are always wonderful, intense moments that we share together.

To register, see our events calendar: https://www.prk-1u.com/evenements/